Mother Nature was showing off

As we entered week three, hackers attempted to steal new Covid vaccine secrets, we were told not to hug our grannies at Christmas, London finally got its first frost and Mother Nature was showing off at her absolute finest with some beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

Monday’s arrival of a magical frost, found me reluctantly rolling out of bed at sunrise, pulling on some warm clothes and cycling along the Lea Valley Canal. And WOW I’m so glad I did… as the mist danced along the water, warm hues of pink and orange painted the sky and mysterious figures disappeared into the distance enveloped in fog. I got so overexcited taking photos, feeling completely in my flow and chatting to a few random strangers that I didn’t return home for hours.

I immersed myself in even more local nature and discovered not one but two wetlands within walking distance of home… Woodberry Wetlands and Walthamstow Wetlands. Two beautiful spots where I watched fishermen and birdwatchers going about their business and people enjoying the last of the light on their faces. Enjoyed an “epic” stomp around Epping forest, venturing completely off piste (past a sign about a murder!) and getting lost amongst the trees. There are so many incredible spots right here under our noses! Who needs to go on holiday anyway!?

At our place, there was much excitement about a new rug (Eira loves it!) and the arrival of log man John plus his son Sario… who delivered a winters supply of wood for our fire pit. Two bunches of Bloom & Wild flowers turned up, two days in a row… wondered if I’d acquired a secret admirer, but alas they were from my mum and stepmum (very grateful, thank you both). At least I’m still able to hug them!

A selection of photos from the week below (click to enlarge). Thanks so much for reading.