Black Lives Matter

Week ten: isolation stories

As the political climate intensified further less than half of Britons now trust the government to provide accurate information on the pandemic after the whole Dominic Cummings fiasco last week (see week nine blog post here). Even the Daily Mail turned against him! And the UK appeared to be once again the laughing stock around the world.

In the USA mass protests erupted when George Floyd was killed by a policeman in broad daylight. It’s been a heavy week energetically and emotionally for many people, especially those who’ve lost loved ones. Black Lives Matter has been at the forefront of the news and it’s been a week of deep discussions, talking and learning within my friendship groups. It’s been difficult knowing what to say or how to help; as a start I’ve bought Me and My White Supremacy by Layla F Saad which I’m working through alongside friends so we can better understand our complicity in a system that is exploitative and oppressive, to share our stories and be accountable as we go through this process. This is only a first step, but I’m committed to learning more and being part of this change to create a planet where we have more respect, equality and justice.

In light of what’s been happening, I don’t really feel like sharing stories from my world… they don’t seem so important right now. I have however included a selection of photos from week ten of lockdown below.