Thousands have been gathering together throughout June for Black Lives Matter protests in London (and other cities in the UK) calling for action to end racism.

It was incredible to see so many people standing together… a powerful and emotional day all round, and one I’m glad to have been a part of.

It’s been such a heavy time energetically and emotionally for many people, especially for those who’ve lost loved ones and it’s been difficult knowing how I can best help and offer my support. I’ve been reading, listening, learning, questioning my thinking, digging deep to uncover any embedded beliefs, acknowledging my ignorance and sitting with the discomfort.

Whilst I appreciate these are only small first steps, I’m committed to being part of the change to create a world where we have more respect, equality, justice and peace.

Photos below from London demonstrations on Sunday 7th June… please do like, comment or share and thank you so much for reading.