
London Brand Photography - A Soulful Shoot with Personal Trainer, Calisthenics & Yoga Teacher, Lucy Joslin

London Brand Photography - A Soulful Shoot with Personal Trainer, Calisthenics & Yoga Teacher, Lucy Joslin

Shooting personal brand photos with Lucy, a personal trainer and expert in all things fitness (calisthenics, Iyengar yoga and pilates to name a few!) was very inspiring.

A scotch egg is enough

A scotch egg is enough

Week four of lockdown two where Philip Green’s Arcadia empire went into administration, Boris announced the rules for Christmas and pubs were told they could only serve alcohol alongside a substantial meal (rumour has it a scotch egg is enough!).

The weeks are flying by

Isolation stories: week four

Lockdown was extended by another three weeks, Boris was recovering at Chequers and a YouGov poll reported that only 9% of Britons wanted life to return to ‘normal’ once lockdown was over… oh and a bird poo’d on my head (but I’m taking that as a good omen!).

The weeks are flying by… once I’ve done my morning routine, prepared breakfast, gone out for some exercise, eaten lunch, done a bit of work and then cooked dinner… well there’s not much time left in the day is there?

In between meals (really recommend trying this tasty root vegetable pilau), I spent time exploring on my bike, climbed some trees in Hampstead Heath, practiced Wim Hoff’s breathing technique and dropped by Bill Murray’s place for a chat. I also bought a cool NHS social distancing scarf with all profits going towards providing food for health workers… shame it’s a bit too warm to wear it.

As a house, we did our fortnightly trolley dash in the supermarket, cooked a big family nut roast, started what must be the hardest jigsaw in the world and the puppy found herself in the kitchen sink having a bath.

Week four in photos, thanks so much for reading.